Page 193 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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                                          IN D E X

               Foreign home buyers,            Guinness Book of World Records,
                    157–158                         1, 4
               40 Wall Street, 159–164         Gulf & Western/Paramount
               Four-Step-Formula, 135–137           building, 50–51. See also
               Frequently asked questions,          Trump International
                    34–38                           Hotel & Tower/New
               Frey, Dale, 50–51                    York
               Fun in business, 89–90

                                               Hammond, Darrell, 84, 85,
               Gates, Bill, 157                     86
               General Electric, 50, 51        Hannigan, Jack, 32
               Genesco, 31–32                  Hawtree, Martin, 43
               Geomorphology, 41–43            Hemingway, Ernest, 55
               “Ghosts in the Machine”         Hinneberg, Walter,
                    (Queenan), 126–127              162–163
               Giving back, 24–27, 38          Homework, doing, 34–35
               Goals, 136                      Hotels:
               Going with the flow,               Hyatt at Grand Central,
                    112–114                           62–68
               Goldstein, Patricia, 161           Palm Trump International
               Golf, for de-stressing, 37,            Hotel & Tower,
                    115                               91–94
               Golf courses:                      Trump International Hotel
                  Los Angeles, 100, 153–156           & Tower/Chicago,
                  Scotland, 39–44                     12–17
                  West Palm Beach, 57–61          Trump International Hotel
               Grand Central Station                  & Tower/Las Vegas,
                    neighborhood, 62–68               109, 111
               Greenwich Village Society          Trump International Hotel
                    for Historical                    & Tower/New York,
                    Preservation, 20–21               48–53
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