Page 192 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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                                              I NDEX

                   Curiosity, 69–70                Environmental concerns,
                   Customers, with excessive           41–43
                       complaints, 128–129         Ertegun, Ahmet, 109

                   D                               F

                   Dayton, Ohio public speaking    Failure:
                       engagement, 102–104           fear of, 37, 83–88
                   Delta Airlines, 71                as opportunity, 159–164
                   De-stressing, 115–116             temporary nature of, 5–7
                   Discipline, 34, 35              Fairways and Greens, 153
                   Discovery, cultivating sense    Family photographs, 116
                       of, 69–70                   Fazio, Jim, 57–58, 59, 61
                   Doodle for Hunger, 26           Fear:
                   Doubts, dealing with,             conquering, 54–56
                       83–88                         of failure, 37, 83–88
                   Dubai hotel project,              of public speaking, 55
                       91–94                       Fey, Tina, 85
                   Dumb, playing, 167              Fighting:
                   Dye, Marjorie Post, 119           back when you’ve been
                   Dye, Pete, 155                         attacked, 150–152
                                                     partnerships versus, 39–44
                                                     for your rights, 18–23
                   E                               Financial turnaround, 1–4, 6
                                                   Firing people, 37
                   Eastern Air Lines, 72           Flag, American, 100–101
                   Education, 143                  Flexibility in negotiation, 168
                   Einstein, Albert, 56            Focus:
                   Emerging markets, 75–77           importance of, 143, 165
                   Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 70          improving, 136–137
                   Entrepreneurs, advice for,        power of, 95–96
                       36                          Forbes, 151, 152

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