Page 56 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 56

trum_c08.qxd  11/30/07  3:32 PM  Page 35

                               F REQUENTL Y A SKED Q UESTIONS

                         Do your homework. In other words, learn everything you
                         can about what you want, know what you are up against,
                         and research every aspect of your endeavor. Talk to all
                         the experts you can find. It can’t be a hit or miss
                         approach. The odds are already against you, so don’t
                         make it harder on yourself by being negligent.
                       4. What will distinguish the leaders of tomorrow in the real
                         estate industry?
                         Those who have both vision and discipline will succeed.
                         One is useless without the other. With both, you have a
                         chance of becoming a leader, provided you’ve learned and
                         sharpened your instincts through your experiences.

                       5. Who are some of the people in history you admire, and
                         Abraham Lincoln is one, because he was president at the
                         most difficult time in our country’s history. He was also
                         self-educated and endured many years of adversity prior
                         to becoming president. Another would be Winston
                         Churchill, a leader at a pivotal time in world history—
                         World War II. He was a great orator who inspired thou-
                         sands of people with his speeches, and he won the Nobel
                         Prize in literature for his historical writing.

                       6. What is your favorite dessert?
                          Ice cream.

                       7. What do you like about your job?
                         Everything. Every day is a challenge, and every day is
                       8. Do you go out for lunch?
                         Very rarely. I don’t like breaking up my work day. It inter-
                         feres with my momentum. I prefer to have something to
                         eat at my desk, which takes maybe 5 or 10 minutes.

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