Page 58 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 58

trum_c08.qxd  11/30/07  3:32 PM  Page 37

                               F REQUENTL Y A SKED Q UESTIONS

                      14. Do you ever fear that you might fail at something?

                         I have a pretty good track record of successes by now,
                         but failure is always a possibility. I am cautious but not
                         fearful. There’s a difference. It’s important to be cir-
                         cumspect—know that the possibility of success is there
                         as well as failure. Risk plays a part in everything we do.
                         I could get hit by a bus while I am crossing the street.
                         Things happen. Don’t let fear interfere with your
                      15. What do you do on your vacations?

                         I don’t take vacations in the sense of planning a trip
                         somewhere and then going there to rest. I find my work
                         energizing and never feel a need to get away from it.
                         Since I own golf courses and love to golf, I can have a
                         great time golfing while inspecting the course. In the
                         winter I go down to my Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach
                         on the weekends, so I can golf year round. I take week-
                         ends more than vacations, which works for me.
                      16. We like your show, The Apprentice. We were wondering if
                         you like firing people.
                         I don’t like firing anyone. Sometimes it’s necessary, but
                         I’d rather keep people around me for a long time. I have
                         employees who have been with me for over 30 years. The
                         best working environment is when everyone has the same
                         work ethic and focus and does their best. That’s the case
                         with most of my employees, but not always, and if not
                         then a change has to be made.
                      17. When you first started out in real estate, what was your
                         main goal?
                         I wanted to be successful on my own terms. My father
                         had been successful in real estate, and I wanted to suc-
                         ceed on my own. I’d always loved beautiful buildings and

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