Page 139 - The Way to the Top
P. 139
Tough times can become opportunities for growth, for you and your
business. Sometimes life pulls a Mike Tyson and chews on your ear, or
throws you a curve ball, right in the eye. There are people who never get
up off the ground when life hits them in the stomach, but the good ones
always do. The true leaders—like The Donald—dust themselves off and
move ahead, often coming back even stronger than they were before the
difficult times. The ability to recover quickly, despite whatever challenges
or obstacles are in your path—that is a key ingredient in success.
When life smacks you down, you must get to your feet and get back into
the game. Make lemonade out of lemons. Never let them see you sweat.
Smile though your heart is breaking. . . . The clichés are endless, but the
principle is true: recover quickly, and you’ll always be successful.
Think of the down times that life throws your way as just other chapters
in the book about your life—a book that is constantly being revised. The
challenges that you face—and eventually overcome—will only make that
book a much better read.
Recover quickly and you’ll always be successful