Page 154 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 154
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dad u""J to 1>"..." my thlnbng and to ,ea,'h ,ne >.h..". the elgh. pH" tlu"
m.ol. up' bu,me..,
S,..i,ti... ,how tht 9 out of 10 ".nup h,,,ine' '''' fail", the lir" Ii...,
}'ea". And "fthe "ne lhat ""nive., again 9 <Il1I "f 10 of the ,,,,,vivo,, failby
the teolh y.;l'. (Ag. "', noti,.., the 9\)/10 !Uk )
M.ny"""'1'''''.11'' f"il " mpl)' bee... ", 0".,,' "'"'"" I'the .,t:h' pi«'"
of ,h. H-I Tnmgle j, "". ,,1. or n'l!l.l"tenl . 'II:'he"net 11,...>1; ot • ,t,u~ing
bu,m. " . I "" the H·l T,i.ngk a, m an..J)lie..J rd""en,-e.
N" t"-cIh.ll the ",-",J proJm:r i. useJ '0 label the ,m~ll"'t <o«li"n wJ
. he"'"OIJ '..."''''' ",IrK " f,he 1.,1''''' ""lion, _ anJ ,he fi.....Ja'i"" lOr thr
Tri..,,,k 1h" " bcnu", the produ<1l> .he lel>1 unpo"ant i,m, of the 8-1
Tnangk .nJ thor n",'ion i.the mO'l ,ml',,"ml. Too m.ln)- fltnM., I ~ •
...·mn.·be enll""P,e,,",ur ...-ho '"'J'" '0 me. -I h,ve an iJu for a gre," ~
IoItrn rc>ponJ~' .40,"(1:. "So. ...·h.ll,. )......, ml'......... ?~
!-IOI'e uti.... than nOlo d>e ...p~' i.. -wsn. to maLe mOM~'" In m<>"