Page 161 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
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                               CHAPTER THIRTEEN

              GETTING VERY RICH Is


       Robert's View

          Before going further, let's quickly review the process:

              1. Me/You
              2. Leverage
              3. Control
              4. Creativity
              S. Expansion

          Many people today are in financial trouble or not getting ahead simply
       becausethey never get beyond the "Me/You." People, some highly educated,
       go through life working hard, but without much leverage. They never
       harness or implement any power beyond themselves.
          These people have little or no control over their jobs, how much they
       earn or their investments. Many are not allowed to express their creativity in
       their work or in their investments. They simply do as they're told,
       professionally and financially. And when it comes to expanding, all they
       know how to do is get another job, look for a second job or hope for a
       promotion or a raise.
          Many people get caught in this cycle because that is what they were
       taught to do in school. To do anything else would be risky.They are afraid
      oflosing the little control they have. They work for less because they fear
       they may get fired ifthey ask for a raise.They conform rather than be creative
      because they fear making waves or trying something that might fail. When

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