Page 200 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 200
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Another defining moment I had in military school had to do with
hrstOfy. There was a fellow suoeet wt.o was alwa~ study'ng WWUOn
his Owll. He was a history buff and a !>enous ~tudent One day I saId
to him , "You ITIU!>t be an expert on WW II after au the timE' you've
spent studylO9 It. " Hl~ reply is something I've ~ fOl'gottm : "No,
It ha~ only made me realize how much I don ' t know_" Then he
exptallll!'d that 1Il order to understand WWtl, he had to go b.nk to
WW1 and study that, and t hen study t he wortd s'tuatlon ~fore WWI.
and he wU bPi'00ing to seE' it WQUld be a very I~ process. Then
he sa,d, '"Stud"';"'! hIStory has made me very humble. because I know
I'llllt'\'('r know ,t all ." (omi"'! from sornE'Olll!' as wfll-read as he was,
those comments left an lmprf"';~ion on me.
As a result , I would ~tudy hi!>tory in my s.p./Ire l Ime and try 10 read
as much a~ I coutd, I started a habit that I've kept to th,s day. which
is to a1>l< myself . " wti at can I learn today that I d,dn't know before?"
That 's one way to keep my mind CUriOUS and eten. Aristotle was
right : h celtt'n<;t' can become a habit _
When I entered Wha rt on years later, I found that my habits from
military school helped me a great deal. As I menti oned earl ier, I
spent my spare time studying foreclosures and real estate and
everything I could get my hands on - all in addition to the required
CUrriculum. I dron't want to get by with just doing enough. I wanted
to do more , and I found myself prepared when I left col lege fOf the
real world ....nere very often ooing "'erlOUlIh" really isn't enough at
In tne words of one of the Greek
The more YOU learn.
philosopMn my father inl roduced
the more ~OU realize me to. reee's a f,nal , defill1ng lesson
hO\\ murh you I leamed at mll,tary school:
don't know,
DonJId 1 Trump
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