Page 201 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 201

"Ibe f i r~t and best victory i~ to conquer seu.:'

          I learned to be part of a whole. Military school provIded the
       opportullit y to under~tand how to be part of the bi~ picture wlthoo.Jt
       losi~ my ideohty. It'~ been a great ad~anta~e on bu~I~, allOWlIl1;l
       me 10 diminISh m~elf when ne<:~ry. Someti~ tilt' pectcre is
       dt"arer If you' re rot in the plume at eu. A llrlt"at lesson. SorneorM'
       OI1l:e said I wa~ a bIt hl<e a chameleon wl>m It came to newotlatlll1;l.
       mat I could blend mysel f out ancl then back in allaln. That ability
      came from my expenencP!> at mlhtary school .
          MCKt people ~ me as beon~ mentally tOUllh, arid l ha t '~ true.
      That 's another advanta~1t" I've had from my t1me it! mll,lary SChool.
      I do:W1't li ke to camplait!, I can be tenacious. arid WIT1t'tHTles I just
      \fII'OI'l't budge. If r've daM my homework, if I've worked hard arid I've
      been " Ihllent , thet1 1know , neve e~ervth i ng It ta kes to back myself
      ~ or defend mYM'lf. I can be a t~h i1d~lt"rsa ry.
          G ; ~lt"n my eccreoeuce for quotes, I WIlt end WIth one by the
      If'llt'!1darv Pro Football Hall of Fame coach Vince Lombar"l:
          KThlt" quali ty of a PIn son's li fe is in direct proportion to their
      commitment to excellence. regardless of their chosen field of
      endt"i1~or, ..
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