Page 197 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 197

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              )'0"'''' J,,,,lill~ f(" do","'r .." t." Afier m",,,h, "f1.",lint:, I fi,ull)'
              fo..",d ...m.lJ d..l on ,h~ i.blle of ~h" i. It ".•, • one-hed",,,,,,
             ,o"d..""""""" "".r ,h" Iw:ach, for only SI~J••l, It  ' m" fiN
              im'C'tmmt \I"'~ th~n. I h~'-e lo"led ~, 'm, of 11l.  ,~"d, ,,'
             p"'.,;hk In,·C"tm~n"~"J purcluseJ onl)' ~ I",,· ofthem,

             ....tier lo"n~ m) n,·lon ."rtCr·,,-.UCf b",inc",1 "m, h....·l,o Ih~
             di"'iplin" ,,( 'Iud~-. pUCfi<:", ",,,J~'. pr....I"'~. I r~.l;lCd tlul
             m,rcprm""rVl'p i<fMJC ri..L.)-_ Bnntl unprq>.>rrJ" n<k~

          L'nokr..c.anJ,"II:m....In m' "'...oJ. Iherr i< no.....,,,nJ pl.a.:~ ~nJ ",.J;zlRg
      ..'ur <he bi~ riJ. *< bcl"ft unprq»Kd h.,'c m....k rhc bi~ d,rfC'Kll<C"
      in ~. 'I""" 6.,.,. "'"".aith.
          M..... pc<>pl" in'...... n'onc~' .nJ do nil{i,..·c<' m",h l"nc_ I),'n~IJ .nJ 1
      iII'"", ~ loe•.,f,im" b<-{."., we In"''''1 m"," mon"y. \lii: P"'p.iK h. in'",r. I
      ...,.(iz<:d ,Jut ~nr"'prcn<:ur"'i p i. nol: ri.k~·.lkin!l "nprcp..n1i. ri,l~·.

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