Page 214 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 214

~taru    pul ling  the    triggers
                                                                                  recessarv to get you to change to
                                                     PR-'("i",ion. in..tmct
                                                                                  that decISIOn."
                                                     and tempo Me .111               It's InterestIng  tha t Andre

                                                   f"le('~",ary in order 10       Agassl would use golf terms til
                                                  become extracrdinarv.          explalll Roger Federer bE'cause
                                                                                 go!f IS famou!Jy a braln galllE'. Golf
                                                           - Dondld J Trump      requires   tec hnique.  but  more

                                                                                 importantly. It reccues extenSlVe
                                                                                 use of t he mmd. Roger Federer
                                                coot rcrs the game and    know ~ lns t inetl ~el y how to handle hIs
                                                opp<lOI'f1ts. He's as fierce as he is gfaceful and good luck to anyone
                                                Pile on the courL Tennis is very much about knowing your oPPOnE'r1t
                                                as wetl as yoursel f. Than another 001' of Federer's strengths.
                                                    PlaYIng golf is a fllrm of fun for me. Fun in the samp way that
                                                makIng deals IS fun lor me. Golf d1amp>on Phil MJCheISO<l says the
                                                ~t golf adYKe he ever recewed was from hIS father. who totd hIm
                                                to have fun. Even when he practices. he's having fun and enJOYIng
                                                n . I can relate to that , and it 's soli d advice tor anything you're
                                                    1ha~e learned a lot about the integrity of cooote by playlng golf
                                                with them . That's why so many business deets come about durmg
                                                and after golf galllE'S . Ac ertain ccoac t is required In ';lOll and people
                                                who keep to that form WIll uwaUy be iOOd business partners. Some
                                                people call il ercoeue. I Just call It hooesty. A ~l f game can be a
                                                good IndICator of that vrrtoe.
                                                    Golf also requirE'S fleubl!ity. KE'E'Plng your equihbnum can make
                                                the dIfference betWE't'l"l a great game aocl a bad coe - .loci the same
                                                appl lE'S to business. Remaln flexible. OCIIl't stlCk to " xed patterns·
                                                E~ery game, e~ery deal. WIll be dlfferetlt. Be In shape. be prepared,
                                                practice, and kroow there will be ~a riablE'S to deal with.
                                                    Nick Faldo, one Ilf the aU ·time golf greats. says someth ing that
                                                is absolutely right on; "Whether you hIt the ball slowly, soft , or hard,
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