Page 209 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 209
" That is why I do not diversify, diversify,diversify with my investments
or my business. Instead, I FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful
_ and practice, practice, practice.
A final word from Joe Montana:
I "Everyone who has been successful in his or her chosen field
understands the importance ofpractice and preparation. To become
~ . . .. 'J outstanding in a particular area, we must learn to practice with
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concentration and focus. Practice is our chance to work on
ss. -.~ , weaknesses and get better. When we're working to excel in
something, it is not enough to do what is expected. We must
constantly strive to exceed our own expectations. Nor should we
keep starting and stopping a practice regimen. When we practice, we
must be consistent."
And that iswhy my rich dad had me playMonopoly over and over again,
until one day I saw a glimpse of my future. Today,all I do is play Monopoly
for real. No matter how rich I become, I always know I can become better.
~And to me, becoming better at my game is far more important than money.
.' The Importance Oflhe Game OfGolf
While I am not agreat golfer, I have learned much about business and
human nature while on the golfcourse.
My golf career began when I was eight years old. My mom and dad
would drive us out to a remote country town on the BigIsland ofHawaii to
visit an old friend of theirs. Like most kids, I found sitting around in the
living room with a bunch of adults boring, so I went outside to find
something to do. On the porch oftheir friend'shome sat a set ofgolfclubs.
Takingawood driver out ofthe bag, I wandered down to his rocky driveway
and began hitting rocks. After damaging his wooden driver, I got one ofhis
irons and again began hitting rocks up and down his driveway.
Needless to say, my mom and dad's friend was not impressed with my
introduction to the game ofgolE
At the age of 12, I took up the game again. I was attending an
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