Page 220 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 220
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wanting to build Trump Place on the Upper west Side of Manhattan,
along the Hudson a.ver, a few years's a beaullful comple~ of
16 ft"SldE'-ntlal bu'ldlngs lroc::llx:hng a park. and It should be done SOOn.
Well. loday IN.-y ere projectlng that the West SIdE' below the Ja~its
Center will be larjE'f than ue city of Mmneapolts by 2016. so I guess
I wasn't Wfong In prOVIdIng some housllllj on that side of town. Be'ng
a vIsIonary can ee worth It now and then, espE'CI.:llly aftE'!'
E'O(ounterllllj OPPOSItion, and th is is one of t~ I nnes.
One feaSOl'l Robert and I pomt out certain th'llljS IS because we
can SE"E' lhem Coml"'!l. As I '~e sard before, we 're not trylTlg to be
fnaroc::lal tE'arlTlOl'lgE'fS, WE" fE' j ust tlopl"'!l to be able to uee- SOfTIE' of
you m the nglll directIOn - before 'I's too late and yOU say. "Why
dldn'l we see coming?!" Fortunatel.y. we're In a POS'llon,
oececse of our I ndl ~ id.....l success fecords. 10 grve you 'IOrTIE'
indications of what m,ght be happening in Ihe future.
I had to be ~ery stubborn when it came to Ihat oe~elopment on
the West SIde tha t I just mentioned. In fact. I warted 30 years to see
it happen. But I knew back then that it would be Important to the
future of New York City. t know this city. , was right.
Look at Mark Bernett. He saw a new crrecnce for television and
he too dealt WIth years of rejection. People just dldn't get what hE'
wanted to do. But he Just kept at it. because he knew ne was right.
When t he retevutco executives finally did get what he was going
aftef. who created a new genre and a new chapter of tele~is ion
tllstory?Mark Burnett.
Sometlmes it's hard to define what "'sion is. Usually, u's based
on studyl"'!l the hMDry of something and surmISIng where ,t WIll be
goIng In 10 or 20 or more years. Yes, therE" s a n sl< In~ot ved, bUt
fOfward-thlnkl"'ll people are often On thE' mark . Another pnme
examplE' IS LE'OOardo da VInci . He looked ahead by CE'fltunes In tllS
inventIonS and 'dc>.ls. The venhcatlon of l1,s vIsIonary g,flS took
centures to clear, but ventsed they have been. Tl10reliu said. " If ~
have buIlt castles in the aIr, ywr wor1< TIE'e(l not be lost ; that is where
\\ .... \\1 \~"'" ~ ( 1lJ Tu IIIl1.u.