Page 224 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 224


                                                 Jewish or Muslim. I have since attended servicesin synagogues and mosques.
                                                    It continues to disturb me that there are so many people who believe
                                                 they follow the "right" religion and others belong to the "wrong" religion.
                                                 I strongly believe in the freedom ofreligious choice, so it disturbs me to hear
                                                 people say that they are the only ones who will go to heaven or they are the
                                                 only ones who follow the true God. This may be the reason we have so many
                                                 wars over God and religion. In my opinion, the idea of a Holy War is an

                                                 A Trust In God

                                                    In Vietnam, I gained a very strong faith in a higher power. There were
                                                 many times I should have died or saw a friend who should have died, yet we
                                                 miraculously escaped harm.
                                                    In business, I have a strong faith that if I work with the highest good
                                                 and fulfill a mission, a higher calling, I will enlist the powers of a supreme
                                                 being. I believe that if! cheat, lie or am not forthright, I diminish the power
                                                 ofwhat Native Americans refer to as the Great Spirit. I also believe the more
                                                 I strive to work at the highest legal, ethical and moral standards, the more
                                                 the power ofthe Great Spirit enters my business.

                                                 The Golden Rule

                                                    I have tremendous respect for the real Golden Rule: "Do unto others as
                                                you would have them do unto you." Every time I am angry, upset or blame
                                                 someone else,instead ofretaliating with my hot temper, I ask myself, "How
                                                would I want this person to treat me now?" It's not that I always do what I
                                                know I should do, but at least I consider it. For example, I have an ex-friend
                                                whom I had a disagreement with. I wish he would call me first and apologize,
                                                which means I should call him first and apologize. But I remain stubborn
                                                and have not called him to clean up the upset.

                                                 Finding Your Path

                                                    Personally, I like what the Hindu religion calls dharma, which means
                                                following the path a supreme being has set for you by your own choice.

                                                WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH
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