Page 226 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 226


                                                 questions about money. The older minister started in about theloveofmoney
                                                 beingthe rootofall evil and that it waseasierfOr a cameltopassthroughthe
                                                 eyeofa needlethan it wasfOr a richman togoto heaven. I felt my spirit sink.
                                                 as I felt guilty about wanting to be a rich man.
                                                    The youth minister had a different take on the subject of God and
                                                 money. Instead ofthe rant about the love ofmoney. he told us the story of
                                                 the rich man and his three servants, known as the Parable of the Talents.
                                                 which comes from the Book ofMatthew. The story goes that before the rich
                                                 master went on a journey, he gave his three servants some money (talents).
                                                 To one he gave five talents. another two talents, and the third one talent.
                                                    The one who received five talents immediately traded and turned his
                                                 fivetalents into 10 talents. The one with two talents, made two more talents.
                                                 The servant who received only one talent dug a hole in the ground and
                                                 buried it.
                                                    When the master returned, he said to the servants who doubled their
                                                 money. "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over
                                                 a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy ofyour master."
                                                    At this point in the story, the youth minister said. "Notice the words,
                                                 'Enter into the joy ofyour master.' What do you think this means?"
                                                    A few ofus fumbled around attempting to answer the question. Finally,
                                                 a young girlsaid. "Our master wants us to be rich. Our master ishappy when
                                                 we are rich, when we share in his world ofplenty?"
                                                    The youth minister smiled, but did not answer. Instead. he said, "Let
                                                 me read to you what the servant who buried his talent said." With that, he
                                                put down his guitar, opened his Bible and read the servant's response:
                                                    "Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow,
                                                 and gathering where you scattered no seed. so I was afraid, and I went and
                                                hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.'''
                                                    The youth minister looked up to see ifwe were still listening and said,
                                                 "He claimed that his master was a hard man. so he did nothing."
                                                    "You mean he blamed his master?" asked the same young girl.
                                                    The youth minister again smiled and then read the master's reply to the
                                                servant, "'You wicked and slothful servant,"         . , .

                                                WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH .
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