Page 266 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 266


                                                 Age boomers and Information Age boomers will become even more
                                                 apparent.How they will fare in the next few years may depend upon which
                                                 rules ofmoney they followed - the rules ofthe Industrial Age or the rules
                                                 ofthe Information Age.
                                                    Just as the first wave of baby boomers was leaving college, the world
                                                 started changing. First we had the Vietnam War - a costly war that divided
                                                 and nearly tore our country apart. Then in 1971, the United States came off
                                                 the gold standard. In 1973, the first gas crisishit. And then in 1974, ERISA
                                                 was enacted.
                                                    In 1971, just as many of the first baby boomers were getting out of
                                                 college, gold was $35 an ounce. Today, gold has hit $700 an ounce. That is
                                                 an example ofhow much the dollar has lost in buying power.
                                                    In 1971, many of the baby boomers were getting married and buying
                                                 homes. Back in 1968, my father paid $50,000 for his home. Today,the same
                                                 home is worth nearly $2 million. While this increase in value is good for
                                                 the baby boomers, it makes it tough on their kids and grandkids to be able
                                                 to afford a home oftheir own. Some baby boomers now have a tough time
                                                 getting their kids to move out ofthe house.
                                                    Many baby boomers do not have pensions due to the changes that began
                                                 in 1974. Many boomers do not have the Defined Benefit Pension plans their
                                                 parents did, and ifthey do, many ofthose DB plans are in trouble. Having
                                                 received no financial training in school, they didn't understand the
                                                 difference between a Defined Contribution plan, a savings plan and their
                                                parents' pension plan. Millionssimply turned their money over to "financial
                                                experts" and had no idea what was happeningwith their money. In 2000, the
                                                stock market crashed and woke many ofthose boomers up to the reality that
                                                 their retirements maynot be that secure.Many found out that their "experts"
                                                had lessfinancial training than they did.
                                                    In 2006, after buying huge gas-sucking SUVs, boomers were once again
                                                hit with an oil crisis.This time it is a real one, not apolitically contrived one.
                                                Back in 1973, oil was about $3 a barrel. It is now expected to go over $100
                                                a barrel, maybe even higher in the near future.
                                                    The increase in the price ofoil means those counting on living on fixed

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                                                WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH
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