Page 333 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
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                            CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE


                        ARE TEACHERS

      Robert's View

         There are many challenges ahead. Instead of followers, we need more
         Too many people with an entitlement mentality - people expecting
      the government to handle their problems for them. This book was written
      with the hope thatyou will become a leader.
         What does it mean to be aleader? The following are three definitions to

         1. Leaders are role models. When I was at the academy and in the
             Marine Corps, much ofmy training in leadership focused on being
             a role model - being someone my troops would look up to, being
             someone who lived his life according to a higher standard.

             Donald Trump certainly fulfills those criteria. In writing this book
             with Donald, I was able to get to know a person I have respected
             and looked up to for years. Just being in his presence has been a
             lessonon how I want to livemy life - to livelife according to higher
             personal standards.

             My poor dad advised me to live my life below my means. My rich
             dad advised me to continually work to expand my means. Being ,
             around Donald has inspired me to expand my means beyond what
             I thought was possible for my life. And that is what true leaders do.

                                                  Two MEN • ONE MESSAGE
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