Page 338 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 338

It to ~in with?Our foc;U' ha' been 0!1
                                              \\le'\'(' fPaliLI'(I. Ill'  what the problems are <,(I you mIght
                                                                         more clearly see what the \.Ol.utlOl'l$
                                               vituation will nol
                                                                         might be. in(hvi(lUllUy arid COUKtlvely.
                                                 change so the
                                                                             In the cour<,f' of ",,"lInglhis book .
                                                  •m'\\("I" i, for       we '~ seen     $OO"IE' eeeeures  that

                                                 us 10 cbaoge.           UIldet"scOft' the valuE' of IhlS t'l'idt'avor.
                                                                         We' ve seen $O~ illan l phIlanthropIC
                                                  - DotI.lkll_Trump
                                                                         eooeevo-s and gIfts, Enron principals
                                                                         being brooght    to court . and the
                                            COO'lStanl gas and oil lurmoll rema in ~ in turmoil. Nqt' than ('VE'<,
                                            we'VE' rNlizt'd Iht' $llUlitlOl'l will llOt change - so the all'>~ ~ for us
                                            to chan!lE'.
                                               I once said. ~Wl(hout passion you don ' t bave t'f'lt'fgy; withoul
                                            E'Ilt'fgy you navenothing. R I s,nd that a long time ago, but 11 1$' 1111 ~
                                            truE'loday, arid It" a thought that has kept me !!Omit in !lE'ttlr'lg lhi<.
                                            book done. The<-t'are not the times to withdraw Irom the world arena.
                                            II anything, we aUreec mort' passion arid t'fll"rgy in oroer 10 oeet WIth
                                            what', going on. Athought to ccenoer trom Wmstoo Churchill;
                                               "We makt' a liVing by what we get, but we make a IIII' by what we
                                               Robert and I ,mcerely hope all of you will coneday be in a pcsmon
                                            to give. because tha t will mean you have become part of the sotunco.
                                            arid our efforh WIll have been worthwhIle.
                                               In the intenm, know tha t being awafe i' a big step in the nght
                                           direction, eoo Just kl'E'P workiniton remaining intl'lat condlllOl'l. Let ·s
                                           keep our blind ~t, 10 a mimmum wf1e<l It CDffil"'<o 10 ftnaflClal
                                            rt"OpO'I§lbthly ..... well a, global responsIbility.
                                               • kroow Il'Iat Robert will continue' on illS path of t'~cPllt'I'Kt' a' a
                                            jfeat teacher, and I hope au of you will connnul' 10 l"'tt"flto what he
                                           1'Ia$ to say_ EmpoweormE'flt comes with t"flhglltf"i omt'I",l .
                                               I hope we ha~ t'fTlI)Oweff"d you to succeed.

                                                                               - Donald J. Trumc

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