Page 339 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 339
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Throughout thrv hooL. ....e have asked \uu In ..hafe H)\.Ir
thou l':hl~ . Vl)\.lf t'\pl"ftt'fK~. \(lI,l' goals and "')\.1' dreolf'rn,. Ibe
reeson ..e h.l,'{' clune Ih,.. i\ Iound In rbe Cooe of LearniflJ:. A\ \Ou
cen see - Readin,t i\ af the bonum oj Ihl"Cone .lnd - [)ojrlRtbe Real
Th i f1l:~ i\ artbe lop oi the Cone. B, p.lnicip.uifll.\ Jrd ferlE'lI'flI: o n
ho.... lhe i....ut><o .lppl v to vour own lite. vou .lIe ~Jr i n!: in the
middle (ll tilt-COOt' oi I(,JfO ln~ r llN' In ....ret' il "J\ \ - P.lfIicipdtifll':
in a Discu....ion.~ Ih erJR,ll:iflJ: in tbese activiti...... ....t' hllp(' th.ll \ O U
....ill rl'<"og nilf' aod intt>rnaJize ooooet un.ues for pll'iil'vt' (h,lOl<t' in
your life.
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II j~ lifTlf' iur you 10 ",·,jew and ",aluale \1JUf<oeli.
Did '"U leolW all oj thP<.e areas b1..ln kl
II '>0 . wholt du,'" th.lll('11 \1)\.1 about voor I,'W'! 01 ( omm,tmt'flt
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