Page 340 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 340
In compll1lnj.\ 11'1("'0(' ...-.clion" review your comnwot,. Do thev
have a nt'j.\,ltiw.' tofll' II couluo't I can't I don't koow howjv O r
do they h,l\t',l pc....iuve tooe (Icould, I CdO, I ",ill l{
,'"t"I:,lli\~ dOWlt"r' It"Od 10 '>hut you riovIn ,lOU d.;opre'" \lOU.
Posuu e dOW,t'f' tend 10 motrvate you end g;H' YOU
coniidNlCE'. Ii vour ,lO,,,,~ were r>egJII ~E', do vou have
'-Oml" more work 10 do? Ii vour ,lrl<ower, ", erto pl:J<>il'\-e, are
you re.-h 10 dldO!* vour lire'
HoY> much ume ,lOO mooev do you cunentlv 'fl('Od
on iOVN In,e
Ud\E' VOU mddt' ,l commilnlt'flt to <,p("oo more lime ,lnd
n'lOf'W"\,l li vnu haven't. you m<ly nol: -ee an\l irnprO\·ffilt.'fll.
If you hd\'t", Iopffid y'OUr time dnd II'lOrIl;'\I wi...el\l in .In area
o r intt"rPoI to VOU.
HdH' you selected .In Mea 10 focus 00, such .I' rpoll e-terc.
network nl<lrhi ioR. -tor k options or ,1,lrtioR your ow n bu,illt.""!
Ii not. have yo u r ome up with <,u1011'll"f lio,lOci,11 plan for
youN'1i1 No matter what you decide to fol'u_ on, continue
to l'(lul'.ltt' v ouev-lf and make a commitm("nl to ,,'OuN'lf to
cue reed.
Do \,ou h,IV(" ,I supportive environment and peoph- MOOJUU
you who will pu\h you IOl'.-drd <ucc,",,?
O r do vou have dO t'OVlrOOrnt'n1"nd pt'oplt' who ",ill hold
or pull \,(JU b.Kk! 00 YOU need In m,lk(' 'oOfl'lt' ch..o,,~ io
\'OUr t'OVironm.-ot? Then do 50.
Only you cen ,In,,,,f''f lhf>..t> q uestion, Only you can ch,m,,<e
your Ii",.
\\.. .. MIl ..-0lI.l 10 hto rKh.