Page 73 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 73


       light, , can guarantee you will be on  :{} '''~'~••••••~~jrl
       the road to solving them. I've had        I have learned that '
       some big problems, to the tune of
                                               what is essential can '
       billions of dollars of debt, but I never
                                                    someti mes be
       went    bankrupt   and    I'm   more
       successful today than ever before, so    invisible to the eye.
       I am speaking from experience.               That's where
          Trump Tower has been on the map
       as a destination site for so long now
       that people forget that it didn't just         comes In.      --~.
       appear one day on the skyline of
       Manhattan. I had a lot of obstacles to
       consider  and   overcome     when   I
       decided I wanted 'the Tiffany location' for my new building. I had to
       solve a lot of problems. First, I wanted to buy the Bonwit Teller store
     I  and building, but they thought I wascrazy. I didn't give up, but it was

     I three years before I got anywhere with them. Then, I wanted to buy
     I, the air rights above Tiffany's. Purchasing those rights would give me
     , the ability to build a much bigger building. Once I got those rights,
       I still needed a tiny parcel of land that was critical because of zoning
       laws that required a minimum of thirty feet of open space behind
       any building. That took more investigating and negotiating. In
       addition, my architect, Der Scutt, and I went over at least four dozen
       designs, finding the best elements of each and incorporating them
       into the final design. Then we had to have the final design approved
       by the city and get zoning variances.
           That's just part of the story of Trump Tower. Noneof those steps
       were easy, but I saw each step as a challenge and enjoyed working
       out the details. If I didn't see it that way, it could have been very
       easy to become discouraged. But instead I have a beautiful building
       that has become world famous. Was it worth it? Yes! And it's a great
       example of problem solving.
          Another interesting story about Trump Tower is the name itself.

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