Page 75 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 75
Robert 's Ilel('
~'hcn Clurk, \l"[OOIl, .hen-pr",.d,"r of c'CfIC.<lI ,\Iocon. ...~• ",,,,,,un of ddc,n"" in 1953. he ..,led ,f..., .:",,1.1 male
<1«•..."., (~ ..·",ald ......cndr ,mp....-t G:-'I. He ,.1 he: ,"ould. but I"," he
<JJtIl.lll" cOl\(cn'c oj.."'''''CIon "'here<hI.r ,.-'ould 1>.1'1"'" .1>.<.......,for ~C;/,...
Jthought ..·hol ..·•• ~ to.,hC"OlIIl<ry""ol'gooJ for Gcncul :\10<0" . nd
"'c ~c",",· lh c [hcn - rm,dcn( of G:-'1 h..." ",c oil"" I>ccn '1l.loccd.., "'r'ng.
"\l;'h.c i, ~ tn!(;cnc,A1 :\torors i, good for Ame.i..... lho"j:h hi, mC'\-...~
"'a$". " . ;nl)' not,'C ,,'mpln. 'I);'h., he me.l'" Yo;&<,h., ,h e two gilnt< _ G M
and the l,'"ucd S,••C, _ were 'nf<Tfw'ncd. Th.t.j, ,rUe u..l.yI' well. thnuj:h
nOl in ,h e '.n,,· w. .. " w.' I>....·k ,hen.
Geller. 1"'m" ", i, in tm"hlc••".1 so ;, the L'"itcd Sr,,,C'>. C :-'1\ pml>lcrn,
.tem fmm .he f••.-t ,h., it' "" • ..., nm .'I:00d as <hey n'cd!<J lw: and rhe
companv ha. h.d m.,,,,,em,n, problem, ff.. ~'t~" .nd.lilt tht United
Suln.h... li". d on If' pu, 'u«........ pu,hing pmbl<m, io,.,u rJ ''lhe. thUl
l<Jl..lIlg them.
An ' ,""mple oi h.... poorl~' nu.n~i:"d G~t ".•, (0 ..... irom the bool
&gu''''''cr,....,·'-"n.!Ing 10 .\I....!. Buffett,
"lh.: "'me pftc:n..,.".,noo un be: ....:-n InII", Iin 1'e,ord, oi ,he
Gcner<il ~I orn ., Comp.>.n!'. " 'h,,,h ind'ut, th 1x1......n ,he
~Innlng 0," 19115 ....d ,he end oj 19';1.. " eu nrd In ,,,,,<il
.ppro. 'm,"d~ SI-'n • wre ",d ou, In d"'IJcnd,
' ppro..m..,~' S2.0.(.! a wr" ()unng ,hi• ......, ~,ud oj 11m, the