Page 123 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
P. 123
KEY PART OF Trump’s real estate investing philosophy is his pas-
A sion to ensure that whatever he is building or renovating is the
epitome of its type in terms of quality, prestige, beauty, workman-
ship, and meticulous detail. The creation of perfection is why, in
2003, nine out of the top ten highest selling condominium residences
in New York City were in buildings built by Trump. Trump proper-
ties consistently command a high premium over comparably located
and comparable sized properties because of the special exciting fea-
tures that embody what the industry recognizes as “the Trump
Touch.” If you want willing buyers to pay higher prices for your real
estate, you must include unusual, dazzling features that will appeal to
buyers or tenants on several emotional levels. Trump Tower on 5th
Avenue is a prime example of how this kind of “sizzle” can increase
thevalue of a property far beyond the cost of creating the sizzle. In
the following case study, you’ll learn techniques that Trump uses to
get the highest prices in the market for anything he sells or rents. I’ll
also show you how you can apply the same techniques, on a smaller
scale, to your own real estate investments.
Imagine yourself in midtown Manhattan walking down the most fash-
ionable part of 5th Avenue. When you get to 56th Street your breath
is taken away by a towering, modern, distinctive building with a