Page 128 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
P. 128


                       During his meetings with Walter Hoving, the CEO of Tiffany,
                   Trump learned that Tiffany also had an option to buy Kandell’s site
                   for its fair market value. It was a nebulous option at best but Trump
                   felt it would be used as a wedge to get Kandell’s cooperation. Trump
                   made sure that the price he paid for Tiffany’s air rights also included
                   the option it held on the Kandell site. Then, armed with the Tiffany
                   option, Trump went to Kandell and said, “I’m going to exercise the
                   option to buy your site.” Kandell, who was not intimidated in the
                   least, countered with, “You’ll have to sue me to exercise the option
                   and I’ll fight you every step of the way. The delay would throw your
                   construction timetable into a cocked hat. When you finally win, we’ll
                   fight over what amount represents the fair market value of my site.”
                   This was shaping up as a classic battle between an unstoppable force
                   meeting an unmovable object. Trump respected Kandell’s willingness
                   to fight even though Kandell knew he would ultimately lose his site
                   despite the fact he would receive a high price for it. Trump knew that
                   Kandell had the reputation for being tough but a fair dealer. Sensing
                   the necessity of building a relationship based on mutual respect,
                   Trump called Kandell and asked, “Len, we don’t know each other but
                   it’s in both our interests to hammer out a deal that we can both live
                   with. What do you want?” Kandell replied, “Donald, although I
                   know you would pay me a lot of money for a deed, I’d like to continue
                   to own my 57th Street site and maybe we can agree on the terms of a
                   long-term ground lease that would include a fair rent which will pro-
                   vide income for my children and grandchildren and give you what
                   you need to build your building.”
                       Relying  on  his ability to create good business relationships,
                   Trump asked me to join him and Leonard Kandell for lunch at the
                   University Club where Kandell was a member. Trump told Kandell,
                   “Even though I really want to buy your property, I’ll let you and
                   George try to work out a great lease that will provide substantial in-
                   come to your family and give me the flexibility I need.” Kandell
                   said, “Thanks, Donald, I appreciate your cooperation.” Before Don-
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