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                   Accountants, hiring, 163          Bridge loans, 143–144
                   Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM),  Brooklyn Heights, 29
                      142–143                        Budget. See Construction, budget/
                   Advertising:                         schedule
                     strategies, 189–190             Building projects. See Construction
                     targeting audience (selecting   Business plans, 43–44, 148
                        publications), 190            real estate investing partnerships,
                     using aura of legitimacy to your    148
                        benefit, 60–61                writing before you buy, 43–44
                   Advisors. See Real estate specialists,  Buy-and-hold strategy, 195
                   Air rights, 24–29, 105–107        Capital. See Money, raising
                   American Express, 53              Carpeting, $50-yard used (“sizzle”
                   Architects:                          example), 119–120
                     Commodore-Hyatt project, 12–13,  Casinos (security guard anecdote), 203
                        160                          Catch phrases, 189
                     hiring, 160–161                 CBS, 132
                     Trump World Tower, 160          Champagne Towers, Santa Monica,
                   Architecture, 111–112, 114           119
                   Artwork, quality of, 188–189      Change-of-pace negotiation tactic, 97
                   Attorneys, hiring, 163            Children, attracting families with,
                   Aura of exclusivity. See Exclusivity, aura  184–185
                      of                             Chinese restaurant (origin of term
                   Aura of legitimacy. See Legitimacy, aura  “sizzle”), 179–182
                      of                             Choosing properties. See Properties,
                   Bar and grill lease (6th Avenue); land  Cohen, Arthur, 40–42
                      banking example, 214–215       Coleman, John, 216–217
                   Bathrooms, putting “sizzle” into,  Commodore-Hyatt project, 4–6
                      118–119                         architect, 12–13, 160
                   Beck, Martin (Ross’s brother-in-law),  Hyatt negotiations, 19, 53
                      86, 138, 155–156                New York City Board of Estimates,
                   Best & Co., 40                        13, 16, 17
                   Bogey theory, 88, 97               relationship-building skills, 10
                   Bonwit Teller, 38, 104             showmanship, 11–13
                   Borrowing money. See Money, raising  Trump’s enthusiasm for, 6–8
                   Bottom line versus “sizzle,” 120  Company policy (negotiations tool), 76

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