Page 246 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
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                   Investors, getting (Continued)     Trump versus, 59–60
                     deal structure, 149              using to your benefit, 60–61, 81
                     friends/family, 146             Lehman Brothers, 131
                     guidelines, 147–148             Leverage:
                     incentives, 148                  defined, 219
                     obligations, 147–148             high-leverage loan programs for
                     planning reasonable divorce method,  owner-occupants, 150–153
                        148                           lessons on, 143–144
                     syndications, 146               Lifestyle, understanding buyers’/
                     tips, 146–147                      tenants’, 120–123
                                                      appropriate features, 120
                   Kandell, Leonard S.:               knowing what your customers will pay
                     death, 217                          extra for, 123–124
                     easement consent, Trump Tower,   using feng shui to boost property
                        110–111                          values, 121–123
                     example of timing a sale, 212–213  “Lipstick Building,” 185–187
                     friendship with Trump, 107      Literature, marketing, 183, 188–189
                     negotiations (ground lease/air rights)  Loan agreements, negotiating, 144–145
                        with Trump, 38–39, 105–108,  Location:
                        109                           convenience, 36
                     regarding tenants as family, 212  example (Trump Tower), 115
                     Ross getting as client, 109      growth potential, 35–36
                     Trump as watchdog for, 216–218   importance of, 23
                     two-dollar bet, 107              improving, 32–33
                   Kinson Group, 48–50                marketing, playing up in, 183–184
                   Kitchens:                          prestige, 34–35
                     putting “sizzle” into, 118–119   views, great, 34
                     restaurant, 184
                     standards, 124                  Managing property. See Property
                   Knowledge:                           management
                     actual versus apparent, 79      Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Prices
                     of human nature, 76, 77, 81–85     (MSRPs), 57
                     of subject matter, 77, 78–79    Mar-a-Lago Club:
                   Kondylis, Costas, 160              case study, 196–199
                                                      example of spending-money-where-it-
                   Land banking, 35–36, 214–215          can-be-seen principle, 117
                   Landlords. See Property management  eye for detail, 200–202
                   Landscape architect, hiring, 160–161  initiation fee, 200
                   Landscaping, 115–116, 185, 199–200  photograph, 197
                   Large companies as partners, 128   property management, 199–200, 206
                   Late penalties (versus incentives for  Marcos, Ferdinand, 48
                      being early), 171–174          Marketing strategies, 179–192
                   Launch parties, 190                advertising:
                   Least Effort, Principle of, 15, 61, 83  strategies, 189–190
                   Legitimacy, aura of, 56–61, 81       targeting audience (selecting
                     avoiding hypnotic effect of, 60       publications), 190
                     documents non-negotiable, 57       using aura of legitimacy to your
                     “firm” prices, 57–58                  benefit, 60–61
                     Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail  catch phrases, 189
                        Prices (MSRPs), 57            to home buyers and renters, 191–192

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