Page 241 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
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                   concept is not really an equitable solution for anyone. Who is willing
                   to pay full value for a partial interest in a partnership with partners
                   they don’t know? Certainly the remaining partners don’t want to deal
                   with a stranger who suddenly becomes their partner. If someone buys
                   that interest at a highly discounted price, he may be doing so solely
                   for the purpose of tormenting the other partners to a point where
                   they, too, will sell their interests at a bargain price just to buy peace.
                       A better approach and one that is fair and equitable for all part-
                   ners goes like this: Partner A wants out. He obtains a bona fide offer
                   for the entire property that he is willing to accept. He notifies all
                   other partners of his intention to sell and they have two options.
                   One, they can elect to buy the share of Partner A and pay him what
                   he would have received if the sale were made or two, they must join in
                   the sale. This completely eliminates any monetary discount for a mi-
                   nority interest and the possibility that remaing partners will have to
                   deal with a stranger.


                   Well-located real estate has supreme value because of its finite sup-
                   ply. No one’s making any more land. And for that reason alone, real
                   estate improved with the kind of creativity and savvy that Trump
                   puts into his real estate investments will always be in demand and
                   will always increase in value. The strategies in this book have made
                   billions for Trump and can help you make a large or small fortune in
                   the world of real estate.

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