Page 10 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 10


                                    Property Ownership Associations               54
                                    Real Estate Investment Clubs                  55
                                    Attorneys                                     56
                                    Courthouse                                    56
                                    Internet                                      57
                                    Direct Mail                                   57
                                    Government Agencies                           58
                                    Bank-Owned Properties                         58
                                    People You Meet                               59
                                  Always Be On the Lookout for Deals              60

                   CHAPTER 4      H OW   TO  R EAD   A  D EAL                    61

                                  Amateur Mistake: “I can’t possibly take
                                       the time to analyze all the deals
                                       I come across.”                            61
                                  In Commercial Real Estate, the 80/20 Rule Is
                                       More Like the 90/10 Rule                   62

                                  You Need Only 10 Percent of the Numbers to
                                       Sort Out 90 Percent of the Deals           62
                                  Tools to Calculate Value                        64
                                    Another Key Measure: Debt Coverage Ratio      66
                                    Cash Flow Before Taxes                        66
                                  The Big Lie: Pro Forma Numbers                  68
                                    The Right Numbers                             68
                                    Insider Tip                                   69
                                  The Three Ways to Value Properties              69
                                    Comparable Method                             70
                                    Income Method                                 70
                                    Cost Method                                   71
                                  Other Important Components of Value             72
                                    Location                                      72
                                    Expenses                                      73
                                    Price                                         73


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