Page 9 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 9


                                    School Districts                              35
                                    Access                                        36
                                  Don’t Listen to the Crowd                       37

                   CHAPTER 3      H OW   TO  B ECOME   A  D EAL  M AGNET         38

                                  Amateur Mistake: “I can’t do real estate because
                                       I don’t have the time to chase deals.”     38

                                  The First Time Principle: You Have More Time
                                       than You Think                             38
                                  The Second Time Principle: Getting Started in
                                       Real  Estate Investing Takes Less Time than
                                       You Might Think                            41
                                  Don’t Chase Deals—Attract Them                  41

                                  An Easy Way to Recognize the Motivated Seller   42
                                    Questions 1& 2: “How Much Are You Asking for
                                       Your Property?”. . . Followed Quickly
                                       by “How Did You Determine That Price?”     43
                                    Question 3: How Fast Are You Looking to Sell?   43
                                  A Simple and Inexpensive Way to Start Seeing
                                       Deals Immediately                          44
                                    What Is a Good Response Rate?                 44
                                    Consider the Source                           45
                                  The Magic That Happens When Your Deal
                                       Pipeline Is Full                           47
                                  The Secret To Finding Deals                     48
                                    Rule 1: Always Do What You Say You Will Do    48
                                    Rule 2: Make Doing Business with You Easy     48
                                    Rule 3: Don’t Be a Pain in the Butt           49
                                  How to Have More Deals Than You Can Work On     50
                                  Successful People at First Make This Mistake    52
                                  Ten Sources For Great Deals                     53
                                    Real Estate Brokers                           53


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