Page 17 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 17


                                  Your Deal Team                                 202
                                    Brokers                                      202
                                    Attorneys                                    204
                                    Other Deal Team Members                      205

                                  Your Money Team                                205
                                    The Mortgage Broker, of Course               206
                                    Private Money Partners                       206
                                    Insider Tip                                  207
                                  Your Property Team                             208
                                    Property Manager                             208
                                    Contractors                                  209
                                    Property Inspector                           210
                                    Maintenance Specialist                       210

                   CHAPTER 11  U SE   A  T IME  M ULTIPLIER                     212
                                  Amateur Mistake: “I have to see it with my own
                                       eyes to know what’s going on.”            213

                                  The Roles of the Property Manager              213
                                  Assembling Your Local Property
                                       Management Team                           216
                                  Look at the Fit between Property and Manager   216

                                  Insider Tip                                    218
                                  How to Interview a Management Company          218
                                  The Property Management Agreement              223
                                  Key Information That You Need and How
                                       Often You Need It                         224
                                  Giving Up Control in Order to Have Control     227

                   CHAPTER 12  T HE  R IGHT  W AY   TO  S ELL   FOR
                                  M AXIMUM  P ROFIT                             230
                                  Amateur Mistake: “I want to wring out every

                                       dollar of profit I can.”                   230
                                  How to Know When to Sell                       231


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