Page 21 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 21
Commercial Real
Esta te Investing
It ’ s Not Onl y
for Billionaires
Do you have the mind - set of a winner?
Here ’ s how a billionaire - wannabe thinks: “ Someday, if I ’ m as
wealthy as Donald Trump, I ’ d love to own a bunch of properties in my
town. ”
Here ’ s how a future billionaire thinks: “ The way to become as
wealthy as Donald Trump is to start owning commercial property in
my town. ”
Commercial property isn ’ t your destination; it ’ s the way you will
reach it.
Commercial Real Estate Is the Invisible Giant
You can ’ t pick up a newspaper these days without seeing some story —
usually negative — about the residential real estate market. But there ’ s
another, quiet, vast real estate market that is quite independent of the
ups and downs of residential property.
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