Page 27 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 27
Commercial Real Esta te Investing
Commercial property provides this business lubricant — cash
fl ow — in superior amounts. Certainly, you can become wealthy by
investing in single - family homes. But you better be doing a string of
them in quick succession in order to provide the cash flow you need
from month to month. That sounds like a lot of work to me.
With even a single commercial property, you can look forward to a
nice check being dropped into your mailbox every month like clockwork.
At first the checks may be smaller, because your number - one
priority is to cover the cash flow needs of the property. You ’ ll have
operating expenses that must be paid each month, and capital expenses
(major repairs) that will come up from time to time.
If you use a tested - and - proven system to buy right, you ’ ll have a
cushion of cash flow that more than covers the property needs. You get
to pocket the rest of that money.
Your first goal may be to accumulate enough positive cash fl ow so
that it equals what you are earning in your full - time job. Then you ’ ll
have the option to quit that job and become a full - time investor.
After that goal is fulfilled, no doubt you ’ ll have other ones: Perhaps
you ’ ll use the additional cash flow to purchase more properties.
Maybe you ’ ll use it to help a struggling loved one, send your kids to
college, go on a long vacation, or all of the above.
Cash fl ow will indeed set you free. It will give you the confi dence
and the ability to do the things in life that you couldn ’ t do before.
You Can Think Big But Still Start Very Small
You ’ ve heard Donald Trump say it: “ If you ’ re going to think, you
might as well think big. ”
Commercial property has two very important characteristics:
It allows you to get as big as your imagination will let you, but it also
allows you to start as small as you like.
Dreams without action are not impressive. Commercial property
is the path from your dreams and modest initial actions all the way up
to your ultimate fi nancial goals.
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