Page 50 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 50


                             A MATEUR M ISTAKE:  “ I ’ LL  WA I T  UNTIL
                             THE  MARKET  CHANGES  BEFORE I  JUMP  IN. ”

                       A great many investors fall into what I call the  local paradigm . Here ’ s
                     how it works:
                        The commercial market starts to recover and prices rise. Investors
                     look at the opportunities on the market and kick themselves — they
                     could have bought these same properties six months ago for 20 to 30
                     percent less.
                        They put off buying a property until the market  corrects , and prices
                     come down to where they  should be . Unfortunately for them, the mar-
                     ket simply continues its upward climb.
                        Another six months go by and prices are up another 20 to 30
                       percent. These investors now exclaim to anyone who will listen:  “ These
                     buyers are crazy! I ’ ve lived in this market all my life and I can tell
                     you — nobody will buy commercial real estate in this area for those
                     prices! ”
                        They continue to stay on the sidelines. And — you got it — prices
                     continue to climb.
                        When these local experts endure this self - kicking two or three more

                     times, they finally throw in the towel and  go with the fl ow . They, too,
                     buy into the market.
                        Only now they ’ ve waited so long that they truly are buying at the
                     top. By defi nition,  the top  is when there ’ s the greatest amount of posi-
                     tive news to report, and it took that much news to convince these
                        Don’ t let this happen to you. Make sure you are guided by facts and
                     research, and not by any decades - old impressions of the market that
                     you ’ ve known since you were a kid.

                         I ’ m often asked,  “ When is a good time to buy commercial real
                   estate? ”  I answer  “ Now — if you are buying the right property type, in

                   the right emerging market, at the right price. ”  That ’ s a much more
                   accurate and useful answer than  “ Oh, the right time is one year from
                   now, ”  without qualifying the statement.


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