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12  The Vitamin D Signaling Pathway in Mammary Gland and Breast Cancer  287

            and  calcium, high in saturated fat) exhibited hyperproliferation in the mammary
            gland  and   developed  significantly  more  mammary  tumors  when  treated  with
            7,12-dimethylbenzanthracence (DMBA) compared to rats fed adequate calcium
            and  vitamin  D  (reviewed  by  [56]).  In  mouse  mammary  gland  organ  culture,
            1,25D and the  synthetic analog 1a(OH)D  reduced the incidence of preneoplas-
            tic lesions in response to DMBA during both the initiation and the promotion
            stages,  demonstrating  that  vitamin  D  compounds  exert  direct  antineoplastic
            effects on mammary gland at multiple steps [57]. Prevention of N-methyl-N-
            nitrosourea-induced  mammary  tumors  with  vitamin  D  analogs,  including
            Ro24–5531  (1,25-dihydroxy-16-ene-23-yne-26–27-hexafluorocholecalciferol)
            and 1a(OH)D  provided further support that the vitamin D pathway may protect
            against breast cancer in vivo [58, 59].

            12.5   Mammary Gland Development and Carcinogenesis
                  in VDR Null Mice

            Mice lacking the VDR demonstrate excess proliferation and branching as well
            as impaired apoptosis during the reproductive cycle compared to their normal
            counterparts [51, 52]. Organ culture experiments indicated that 1,25D blocked
            the  growth  stimulatory  effects  of  estrogen  and  progesterone  in  glands  from
            wild-type mice but was without effect in glands from VDR null mice, indicat-
            ing  that  the  VDR  acts  in  a  ligand  dependent  manner  to  mediate  negative
            growth signaling directly in mammary tissue. Comparison of gene expression
            in  normal  and  VDR  null  mice  has  identified  cyclin  D1,  p21,  clusterin,
            b-catenin and TGFb1 as potential VDR target genes in the mammary gland
            in vivo (Zinser, Matthews and Welsh, unpublished data). Demonstration that
            VDR ablation alters growth regulatory pathways in mammary gland raised the
            possibility that VDR null mice might display enhanced risk for cancer devel-
            opment  in  this  tissue.  Indeed,  the  incidence  of  mammary  hyperplasias  and
            development of ER negative tumors in response to the carcinogen DMBA was
            higher in VDR null mice than their WT counterparts [60]. Furthermore, on the
            MMTV-neu  transgenic  background  (a  model  of  her2  positive  human  breast
            cancer), VDR heterozygote mice demonstrated higher incidence of mammary
            tumors than did WT mice [61]. Notably, differences in cancer susceptibility
            were not limited to the mammary gland, as VDR null mice displayed increased
            sensitivity to tumors in the lymph nodes and skin in response to DMBA com-
            pared to WT mice [60, 62]. These in vivo studies have provided the most direct
            evidence  that  VDR  signaling  can  protect  against  cancer  development.
            Collectively, these and other animal studies have confirmed that the effects of
            vitamin D signalling observed in vivo translate to effects on cell proliferation,
            differentiation and apoptosis in vivo that are of sufficient magnitude to impact
            on the carcinogenic process.
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