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288                                                   G.M. Zinser et al.

            12.6   Vitamin D Resistance Pathways

            Some transformed breast cells display reduced sensitivity to 1,25D, suggesting that
            the  vitamin  D  pathway  may  become  deregulated  during  cancer  development.
            Multiple  mechanisms  have  been  identified  that  contribute  to  1,25D  resistance,
              including loss of VDR expression, alterations in transcriptional co-regulators and
            overexpression of Cyp24, the enzyme that catabolizes 1,25D. Stable expression of
            the antiapoptotic protein bcl-2 rendered cancer cells resistant to 1,25D mediated
              apoptosis, and  expression of certain oncogenes (including ras and SV40 large T
            antigen) abrogated VDR signaling [32, 63, 64]. Amplification of the Cyp24 gene
            was reported in human breast tumors, and higher Cyp24 expression was detected in
            tumors  compared  to  adjacent  normal  tissue  [54,  65].  De-sensitization  of  breast
            cancer cells to growth inhibition by VDR ligands has also been associated with
            changes in nuclear receptor co-repressors via epigenetic mechanisms, which are
            potentially  reversible  [66–68].  Sub-clones  of  the  MCF-7  breast  cancer  cell  line
            selected for resistance to 1,25D in vitro have been independently developed and
            characterized [69, 70]. These cell lines retain low level expression of transcription-
            ally active VDR but exhibit changes in protein expression that alter redox status,
            favor  autonomous  growth  signaling,  and  down-regulate  the  apoptotic  pathway
            [24, 26, 71]. One of these 1,25D resistant MCF-7 cell lines was tested in a xeno-
            graft model and retained resistance to the antitumor effects of the vitamin D analog
            EB1089, providing an in vivo model for the study of vitamin D resistance [45].
            Notably,  despite  deregulation  of  multiple  signaling  pathways,  the  MCF-7  cells
            selected for 1,25D resistance are cross-resistant to structurally related vitamin D
            analogs but retain sensitivity to other growth inhibitory agents, including retinoids
            and anti-estrogens. Uncovering the molecular basis for selective vitamin D resis-
            tance will be critical in design and implementation of new vitamin D analogs for
            clinical use.
              Kemmis and Welsh [72] used a series of isogenic, progressively transformed HME cell
            lines [73] to study the effects of transformation per se on the vitamin D pathway. In this
            model, HME cells transduced with SV40 large T antigen and oncogenic ras undergo the
            epithelial-mesenchymal transition (loss of E-cadherin) and acquire tumorigenic potential.
            VDR expression in HME cells expressing SV40 or ras was reduced more than 70% com-
            pared to the nontransformed HME cells from which they were derived. Loss of VDR may
            be associated with up-regulation of transformation-associated corepressor proteins such as
            slug or snail, which have been shown to directly repress the human VDR promoter in
            breast and colon cancer cells [74, 75]. In the HME series, oncogenic transformation was
            also associated with reduced Cyp27B1 expression and activity (as measured by 125D
            synthesis), but the underlying molecular mechanisms for this change remain unknown.
            The reductions in VDR and Cyp27B1 in the oncogene-transformed HME cells were of
            sufficient magnitude to reduce cellular sensitivity to growth inhibition by both 1,25D and
            25D approximately 100-fold. These studies provide evidence that disruption of the vita-
            min D signaling pathway may occur early in the cancer development process, and that
            cancer cells employ multiple mechanisms to evade the negative growth regulatory effects
            of the vitamin D signaling pathway.
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