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2  The Molecular Cancer Biology of the VDR                      39

              signaling. For example, Munoz and coworkers have dissected the interrelationships
            between the VDR, E-cadherin, and the Wnt signaling pathway in colon cancer cell
            lines  and  primary  tumors.  In  these  studies,  the  induction  of  CDH1  (encodes
            E-Cadherin)  was  seen  in  subpopulations  of  SW480  colon  cancer  cells,  which
            express the VDR and respond to 1a,25(OH) D . The VDR thereby limits the tran-
                                                2  3
            scriptional effects of b-catenin by physically and directly binding it in the nucleus,
            and by upregulating E-cadherin to sequestrate b-catenin in the cytoplasm. In malig-
            nancy, these actions are corrupted through downregulation of VDR mRNA, which
            appears  to  be  a  direct  consequence  of  binding  by  the  transcriptional  repressor
            SNAIL; a key regulator of the epithelial-mesenchyme transition, which is overex-
            pressed in colon cancer [168–170]. Equally underscoring the central importance of
            b-catenin, it has recently been shown to be posttranslationally modified to act as
            VDR coactivator and supports a model of checks and balances between these two
            signaling processes [168, 171].

            2.4.3   Genetic Resistance

            In cancer, and outside of the very limited pool of mutations reported in the VDR in
            type II rickets, the receptor, generally, is neither mutated nor does it appear to be
            the subject of cytogenetic abnormalities [172]. By contrast, polymorphic variations
            of the VDR have been widely reported. Thus polymorphisms in the 3¢ and 5¢ regions
            of the gene have been described and variously associated with risk of breast, pros-
            tate, and colon cancer, although the functional consequences remain to be estab-
            lished clearly. For example, a start codon polymorphism in exon II at the 5¢ end of
            the gene, determined using the fok-I restriction enzyme, results in a truncated pro-
            tein. At the 3¢ end of the gene, three polymorphisms have been identified that do
            not lead to any change in either the transcribed mRNA or the translated protein. The
            first two sequences generate BsmI and ApaI restriction sites and are intronic, lying
            between exons 8 and 9. The third polymorphism, which generates a TaqI restriction
            site, lies in exon 9 and leads to a silent codon change (from ATT to ATC) which
            both inserts an isoleucine residue at position 352. These three polymorphisms are
            linked to a further gene variation, a variable length adenosine sequence within the
            3¢ untranslated region (3¢UTR). The poly(A) sequence varies in length and can be
            segregated  into  two  groups;  long  sequences  of  18–24  adenosines  or  short  ones
            [173–176]. The length of the poly(A) tail can determine mRNA stability [177–179]
            so the polymorphisms resulting in long poly(A) tails may increase the local levels
            of the VDR protein.
              Multiple  studies  have  addressed  the  association  between  VDR  genotype  and
            cancer risk and progression. In breast cancer, the ApaI polymorphism shows a sig-
            nificant  association  with  breast  cancer  risk,  as  indeed  have  BsmI  and  the  “L”
            poly(A) variant. Similarly, the ApaI polymorphism is associated with metastases to
            bone [180, 181]. The functional consequences of the BsmI, ApaI, and TaqI poly-
            morphisms are unclear, but because of genetic linkage may act as a marker for the
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