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2  The Molecular Cancer Biology of the VDR                      41

            has also been demonstrated to suppress the VDR responsiveness of bladder cancer
            cell  lines  [166],  notably  toward  the  VDR  ligand  lithocholic  acid  (LCA)  [193],
              suggesting a role for epigenetic disruption of the capacity of cells to sense and
            metabolize potential genotoxic insults.
              The epigenetic lesion rising from elevated NCOR1 can be targeted by co-treat-
            ment  of  either  1a,25(OH) D   or  its  analogs,  plus  the  HDAC  inhibitors  such  as
                                 2  3
            trichostatin A, and can restore the 1a,25(OH) D -responses of androgen-indepen-
                                                 2  3
            dent PC-3 cells to levels indistinguishable from control normal prostate epithelial
            cells. This reversal of 1a,25(OH) D  insensitivity was associated with reexpression
                                      2  3
            of gene targets associated with the control of proliferation and induction of apopto-
            sis, notably GADD45A [120, 135, 185]. Similarly, targeting in breast cancer cells
            through co-treatments of 1a,25(OH) D  with HDAC inhibitors coordinately regu-
                                         2  3
            lated  VDR  targets  and  restored  anti-proliferative  responsiveness  [192,  194].
            Similarly, other workers have used combinatorial chemistry to combine aspects of
            the structure of 1a,25(OH) D  and HDAC inhibitors into a single molecule that
                                  2  3
            demonstrates very significant potency [195].
              Together, these data support the concept that altered patterns of corepressors
            inappropriately sustain histone deacetylation around the VDRE of specific target
            gene promoter/enhancer regions, and shifts the dynamic equilibrium between apo
            and holo receptor conformations, to favor transcriptional repression of key target
            genes. Furthermore, targeting this epigenetic lesion with co-treatments of vitamin
            D  compounds plus HDAC inhibitors generates a temporal window where the equi-
            librium point between apo and holo complexes is shifted to sustain a more tran-
            scriptionally permissive environment.
              These findings compliment a number of parallel studies that have established
            cooperativity  between  1a,25(OH) D   and  butyrate  compounds,  such  as  sodium
                                        2  3
            butyrate (NaB) [196–201]. These compounds are short-chain fatty acids produced
            during fermentation by endogenous intestinal bacteria and have the capacity to act
            as HDAC inhibitors. Stein and coworkers have identified the effects in colon cancer
            cells of 1a,25(OH) D  plus NaB co-treatments to include the coordinate regulation
                           2  3
            of the VDR itself. Together these studies underscore further the importance of the
            dietary-derived milieu to regulate epithelial proliferation and differentiation beyond
            sites of action in the gut.

            2.5   Toward an Integrated Understanding of the VDR

            A highly conserved VDR is found widely throughout metazoans, even in certain
            non-calcified chordates such as the lamprey (reviewed in [202]). Within prokary-
            otes  there  appears  to  be  the  capacity  to  undertake  UV-catalyzed  metabolism  of
            cholesterol compounds and suggests that the evolution of vitamin D biochemistry
            is very ancient. These findings suggest that the VDR system has been adapted to
            regulate calcium function and retains other functions that are calcium-independent
            and include the capacity to sense the local environment.
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