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2  The Molecular Cancer Biology of the VDR                      43

              The challenge is to model the spatio-temporal actions of the NR network and, in
            particular, the extent to which the VDR exerts critical control over transcription and
            translation.  Such  an  understanding  requires  a  clear  awareness  of  the  chromatin
            architecture and context of the promoter regions (e.g., histone modifications, DNA
            methylation), genomic organization, gene regulation hierarchies, and 1a,25(OH) D -
                                                                           2  3
            based metabolomic cascades, all within the context of specific cell backgrounds.
            The ultimate research goal will be to translate this understanding to strategies that
            can predict the capacity of subsets of VDR actions to be regulated and targeted in
            distinct cell types and exploited in discrete disease settings.
              The current lack of an integral view of how these interactions bring about func-
            tion and dysfunction, for example, in the aging human individual, can be attributed
            to the limitations of previously available techniques and tools to undertake such
            studies. The implementation of post-genomic techniques together with bioinfor-
            matics and systems biology methodology is expected to generate an integral view,
            thereby  revealing  and  quantifying  the  mechanisms  by  which  cells,  tissues,  and
            organisms interact with environmental factors such as diet [207, 208].


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