Page 217 - Think Like a Champion
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1593155308_trump:trump  2/2/09  11:05 AM  Page 198
                                 Trump World Tower,               Warhol, Andy, 57, 86, 127
                                     United Nations Plaza,        Weisselberg, Allen, 182
                                     121–122                      Wharton School of Business,
                                 Twain, Mark, 77, 79, 83              55, 57
                                                                  Wholeness, 23–25
                                 United States, deficit of, 2      Why We Want You To Be Rich
                                    Updike, John, 81                  (Trump and Kiyosaki),
                                                                      81, 85
                                 Values                           Wilde, Oscar, 31, 123
                                   intrinsic values, 36, 122,     Will and Grace, 12
                                     148, 187–188                 Wisdom, 31–34, 97
                                   types, 36                      Wollman Rink, Central Park,
                                 Visa commercial, 123–124             152
                                 Visionaries, 28                  Woods, Tiger, 58, 140
                                 Visualization, 49, 55–56, 132,   Work hours, 24
                                     133                          Wrestlemania, 124

                                 Wall Street Journal, 131         “Zone, the,” 69, 118
                                 War, 33                          Zucker, Jeff, 12

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