Page 212 - Think Like a Champion
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                               Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 3, 51,     Geomorphology, 114
                                   93, 94, 110, 147, 148, 151   Globalization/global events,
                               Emmy Awards, 124                     48, 174, 187
                               Employees                        Goals
                                 getting the best, 105–107        achievement, 40–41
                                 people you like, 181–183         importance, 20
                               “Entitlement mentality,” 175     Golden ratio, 8–9
                               Environment and heredity,        Golden Ratio, The (Livio), 8
                                   58–59                        Goldwyn, Samuel, 121
                               Ethics, 33                       Golf, 40
                               Experience, 31, 32, 34           Golf courses
                                                                  developing/building, 15,
                               Failure, 28–29                       37, 59, 113–115, 141,
                               Fears                                156, 170
                                 of being unique, 44              Scotland, 37, 113–115
                                 confronting, 51–53               Trump National Golf Club,
                                 of failure, 28–29                  Briarcliff Manor, New
                                 of winning, 40                     York, 141
                               Federer, Roger, 58               Gould, Glenn, 98
                               Financial literacy, 85–87        Graff, Rhona, 181
                               Financial Times, 16              Grand Hyatt Hotel, Grand
                               Financial Times (UK), 131            Central, 75
                               Fischer, Bobby, 109              Greeks, a motto of, 84
                               Flexibility, 89–91, 102–103      Greenblatt, Jason, 182
                                 See also Adaptation            Gumbel, Bryant, 114
                               Focus, 8, 67, 74, 178            Gut instincts, 28, 32, 82,
                               Forbes, Malcolm, 81                  155–156
                               Ford, Henry, 11, 65, 67, 169,
                                   170                          Habits and results, 143–145
                               Franklin, Benjamin, 173, 174     Hamilton, Laird, 163–168
                               Fuller, Richard Buckminster,     Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 89
                                   185                          HBO, 114
                                                                Heredity and environment,
                               Gates, Bill, 28, 58                  58–59
                               Gelb, Peter, 60                  Higher self, 27–29

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