Page 215 - Think Like a Champion
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                                 Preparation/being prepared       Roosevelt, Franklin D., 157
                                   background work, 20, 21,       Rosh Hashanah, 13
                                     44                           Ross, George, 182
                                   description, 65, 135–136       Roth, Philip, 81
                                   flexibility and, 89–91,
                                     102–103                      Saturday Night Live, 12, 124
                                   information, 48, 131–132       “Scenario” test, 97
                                   mistakes and, 74               Schweitzer, Albert, 13
                                 Prescience, 81–82                Scottish National Heritage,
                                 Prince, The (Machiavelli), 33        114
                                 Problems                         Sense of humor, 123–125
                                   dealing with, 109–111          September 11
                                   solving, 52, 53, 65–67,            attacks/aftermath, 2,
                                     109–111                          65–66, 83
                                 Prodigies, 58                    Setbacks/mistakes, 73–75
                                 Purpose                          Shakespeare, 49, 107
                                   definition, 148                 “Shock market” (2008), 82,
                                   discovering your purpose,          83–84, 85–86, 87
                                     147–149                      Short stories/writers, 3–5
                                 Pythagoras, 15                   Sisyphus, 74
                                                                  Socrates, 16, 69, 71
                                 Quixote, Don, 28                 Standards
                                                                    importance of, 4, 24,
                                 Rabbi from Los Angeles/              44–45, 98, 135, 136–137,
                                     family, 13–14                    144, 148, 151–153, 170,
                                 Rand, Ayn, 85                        171
                                 Reich, Steve, 7–8                  setting, 151–153
                                 Republican Party, 1              Steinbrenner, George, 11
                                 Reputation, 169–171, 186         Stevenson, Robert Louis, 57
                                   See also Brand name            Stock market. See “Shock
                                 Rich Dad Poor Dad                    market” (2008)
                                     (Kiyosaki), 85               Stravinsky, Igor, 28
                                 Romeo and Juliet                 Success
                                     (Shakespeare), 49              business as impersonal,
                                 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1                127–129

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