Page 213 - Think Like a Champion
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                                 History, 35–37                   King Lear (Shakespeare), 107
                                 Hollywood Walk of Fame, 57       Kiyosaki, Robert, 55, 81, 85,
                                 Horowitz, Vladimir, 98               86
                                 How to Get Rich (Trump),         Know-it-all, 15–16, 37, 50,
                                     158, 177                         95, 122, 132
                                 Hugo, Victor, 7                  Knowledge
                                 Humor, 123–125                     breadth, 47–50, 178
                                 Huxley, Aldous, 47, 48, 50         connected thoughts,
                                 Imagination, 55–56                 financial literacy, 85–87
                                 Information and preparation,       importance of, 95, 178
                                     48, 131–132                    wisdom and, 31, 32, 33–34
                                 Innovation, 7–9                    See also Learning
                                 “Inside City Hall,” 1
                                 “Instant gratification,” 175      Lagerfeld, Karl, 78
                                 Instincts, 28, 32, 82, 155–156   Leach, Mike, 153
                                 “Integrate Education”            Leaders
                                     (Huxley), 48                   characteristics of, 21
                                 Integrity, 12, 31–32, 33, 144,     seeing yourself as, 21
                                     185–188                      Learning
                                 Intrinsic values, 36, 122, 148,    boredom and, 16, 17
                                     187–188                        continuing, 35–37
                                 Investing, 161–168                 control and, 132
                                 Irving, Washington, 135            history, 35–37
                                                                    importance, 15–17, 32–34
                                 Jean Georges Restaurant, 77        from setbacks/mistakes,
                                 John, Elton, 78                      73–75
                                 Johnson, Samuel, 139               See also Knowledge
                                 Jones, Bobby, 40                 Lickle, Brock, 164–166
                                 Journalistic approach,           Lincoln, Abraham, 32, 47, 50
                                     144–145                      Livio, Mario, 8
                                 Jung, Carl, 51, 155              Lombardi, Vincent, 181
                                 King, Billie Jean, 40              believing in, 59–60
                                 King, Stephen, 3–5                 work and, 173–175

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