Page 51 - How To Get Rich
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describing someone. Every profession has a certain look or standard. Just
say banker and you’ve saved yourself a hundred words. It’s not always
fair, but that’s how it works.
However, you don’t have to be a typical anything.
For example, Frank McKinney looks like a cross between a rock star
and a surfer dude. You would never guess by looking at him that he’s a real
estate entrepreneur who sells ultra-high-end residential real estate in
Florida. When he speeds by you on his motorcycle in his Versace vest with
his two feet of blond hair blowing in the wind, you can bet he’s on his way
to a business meeting. But that’s Frank’s style, and he’s very successful.
I’m a conservative dresser due to business considerations and to save
time. I enjoy flamboyance in other people—I’m more interested in what a
beautiful woman might wear than in anything I might ever put on.
Be aware that your attire can literally become a costume. I’ve known a
lot of terrific-looking scoundrels and a lot of well-dressed bums.
Being tasteful is being tasteful, no matter what line of work you’re in.
Sure, it helps to have the money to buy great clothes, but a little style can
go a long way.
Here I am on top of Trump World Tower at the United Nations Plaza. I
like to check up on things, even without my helicopter.
Be Your Own Best Financial Adviser
Many people go out and hire financial advisers, but I have also seen a
lot of those advisers destroy people.
Athletes, in particular, make a great deal of money at a very young
age. Too often, some manager squanders the athlete’s fortune and they
wind up in their thirties with nothing left but their past glory—and are
forced to get jobs just to survive.
A good friend of mine and truly one of the greatest basketball players
who has ever lived, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, was in the NBA for over twenty
years, only to find that some bad advice had destroyed much of his wealth.
I don’t know whether it was theft or stupidity, but it was a shame.
Herschel Walker is an athlete who signed big contracts, with both the
USFL and NFL. One day, he came to me and told me he was going to
invest in a fast-food franchise. I told him, Herschel, you are a friend of
mine, but if you do that, I will not speak to you again. Because of the
relationship we had (and continue to have), he decided not to make the