Page 49 - How To Get Rich
P. 49

For me, the early morning hours are best for this kind of reflection.
                I’m an early riser, usually up by 5A.M ., which gives me a few hours to
                read  newspapers  and  magazines  of  all  sorts—local,  national,  and

                     In the evening, after a black-tie dinner, I’ll unwind by stopping at my
                local Korean grocery for snacks—potato chips and pretzels. That will be
                my dinner. I rarely get to eat at those black-tie events, and I’d rather have
                the junk food, anyway.
                     Once I’m home, I read books—usually biographies. Now  and  then  I
                like  to  read  about  philosophers—particularly  Socrates,  who  emphasizes
                that you should follow the convictions of your conscience, which basically

                means thinking for yourself, a philosophy I tend to agree with. It may not
                make you too popular, but it’s essential for lucid thought, and it’s a good
                way to avoid being part of a herd mentality of any sort.
                     I read as much as I can, but not as much as I’d like, because there are
                so many constraints on my time. I am grateful for the contribution Oprah
                Winfrey  has  made  to  our  country  in  regard  to  reading.  In  my  bookThe

                America We Deserve, I wrote about the deplorable state of reading in this
                country. Since Oprah decided to do something about it, there has been a
                noticeable upswing in book sales, and writers are once again considered to
                be  cool  people  rather  than  dinosaurs.  I  cannot  thank  Oprah  enough  for
                what she has done, and I hope every person in this country realizes the
                positive influence she has had. We all owe Oprah a big thank-you, and I’d
                like to lead the crowd in saying so.

                     I like movies and television as much as anyone else, but reading is a
                form of replenishment for me. The potato chips and pretzels help, too.

                     Dress for Your Culture
                     I  used  to  pride  myself  on  buying  very  inexpensive  suits  and  other

                clothing. It just didn’t make sense to pay thousands of dollars for great
                clothes when you could buy something for a hundred dollars. Who would
                know the difference?
                     Over the years, I’ve learned that this is wrongheaded. I now buy very
                high-quality  shoes,  and  they  seem  to  last  forever,  whereas  the  cheapos
                used to wear out quickly and always looked as cheap as the price I’d paid
                for them. The same is true for suits. These days, I go for Brioni, whose
                service and attention to detail is second to none. They supplied most of the
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