Page 119 - Midas Touch
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which  equals  being  true  to  your  brand.  That’s  the  solid  foundation  that
                stands  the  test  of  time  and  tribulation  that  will  keep  your  brand

                Working Your Brand

                I’ve always been the spokesperson for my own brand. When your brand
                begins  to  build,  you  too  will  be  faced  with  opportunities  for  greater
                recognition. Being in the public eye as a developer in Manhattan started at
                a  relatively  young  age  for  me.  My  projects  were  big  and  sometimes
                surprising  to  people,  and  that  generated  media  interest.  I  became

                accustomed to the attention, both the positive and sometimes negative. But
                either way, it helped to establish the Trump brand. It helped people know
                who  I  was,  and  they  began  to  recognize  the  Trump  name.  Eventually,  I
                became well known outside of New York as well.

                When my first book, The Art of the Deal, came out in 1987, it became a
                bestseller  and  my  recognition  factor  took  an  even  bigger  leap.  It  was
                around that time that Mark Burnett read the book. Later, he said it was the

                catalyst  for  him  to  strive  to  become  a  success.  I  know  Robert  was  also
                impacted by reading it. At that time, Mark was working as a nanny and
                selling  T-shirts  on  Venice  Beach  in  California.  Many  years  later,  he
                approached  me  at  Wollman  Skating  Rink,  where  he  was  shooting  an
                episode of Survivor. He had rented the rink from me for the shoot, and he
                discussed the possibility of doing a reality show based on me. He asked if

                he could have a meeting with me in my office, and I agreed. Mark came up
                and  explained  his  concept  of  The  Apprentice,  which  intrigued  me.
                However, I run a business and was concerned about the time it would take.
                Mark  said,  “Donald,  I  promise  you,  no  more  than  three  hours  a  week.”
                Believe it or not, I actually believed him! For a prime time show? Anyway,
                I not only liked Mark but I liked his concept and we shook hands on it. My
                advisors  told  me  it  was  a  risky  thing  to  do  and  could  damage  my

                reputation,  image,  and  brand.  But  I’d  already  agreed,  and  I  had  a  good
                feeling about it. I didn’t know that 95 percent of all new television shows
                fail—which is good, or I might not have agreed so readily.

                Fortunately,  the  show  was  the  number-one  hit  of  the  season,  and  my
                celebrity  factor  zoomed.  I  became  famous  internationally,  which  had  a
                very positive impact on my business. It also gave The Trump Organization
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