Page 118 - Midas Touch
P. 118

Sure enough, three years later in 1995, the owners wanted out, which put
                me in a great position. They accepted my terms without question, and 40
                Wall  Street  was  mine.  I  also  flew  to  Germany  to  meet  with  Walter
                Hinneberg to restructure the ground lease which he held. There were a lot

                of details, one being whether the building should be a residential property
                (which everyone advised) or to keep it as a great business address. My gut
                went for the business address, and it has turned out to be a tremendous
                success. Plus, it’s beautiful, and the tallest building in Lower Manhattan. I
                knew  it  would  be  a  fantastic  addition  to  the  Trump  brand  of  great
                buildings, and I was right.

                Knowing  your  brand  and  keeping  it  intact  as  you  progress  requires

                diligence  and  focus.  I’m  big  on  focus  because,  when  I  had  a  financial
                turnaround in the 1990s, the number-one lesson I learned is how important
                focus is. That was the point of the previous chapter and is what the index
                finger represents. I had lost my focus, and the results were all too obvious.
                I  was  attending  fashion  shows  in  Paris,  traveling  around  the  world,  and
                socializing, and I wasn’t working as hard as I should have been. I got a
                little lazy. But the ultimate wake-up call was when both the Wall  Street

                Journal  and  The  New  York  Times  had  front-page  stories  predicting  my
                demise—on the same day! Of course, the story was picked up worldwide
                in a flash. It’s a day I won’t forget. But I got my act together, and I’m far
                more  successful  now  than  I  was  then  because  my  focus  is  definitely  in
                place—personally, professionally and with my brand. Today, I don’t allow

                for distractions and, because of that, I can manage a lot of businesses at
                once. The Trump brand remained intact during the rough times and from
                that we moved forward and expanded with new vigor.

                Is Bigger Better?
                Let’s talk about brand expansion. I believe your brand can expand, but the
                integrity  must  remain  the  same.  I’ve  expanded  into  the  entertainment

                business,  golf-course  development,  a  hotel  collection  and  many  other
                things,  but  the  common  denominator  is  always  there:  gold-standard
                quality. Keep your brand standard in mind, and your expansion will seem
                possible as well as gratifying. It doesn’t mean it will be easy. The golf-
                links course in Scotland at times was intensely difficult. Just the fact that
                we were operating in a foreign country was enough, but there were many

                different factors involved. This brings us back to being true to yourself,
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