Page 29 - Midas Touch
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something even worse. The fact is that if a person makes a
                                  mistake and lies, blames, justifies, or pretends they did not
                                  make a mistake, they recede. They do not advance. A good
                                  example  was  President  Bill  Clinton  when  he  lied  to  the

                                  world  about  having  sex  with  a  White  House  intern.  He
                                  could have been one of the greatest presidents but instead,
                                  he will be remembered for his lack of moral character, for
                                  cheating  on  his  wife,  and  also  for  lying  about  it  on
                                  television. It takes courage to face your mistakes and admit
                                  to them. It takes no courage to lie.

                Mistakes Are the Gateway to Your Midas Touch
                In  school,  making  mistakes  is  bad.  The  students  who  make  the  fewest

                mistakes  are  called  “smart.”  But  in  the  world  of  business,  making  a
                mistake,  admitting  the  mistake,  and  then  learning  how  to  turn  that  bad
                “luck” into good luck, is essential for success. Einstein stated that “only
                two  things  are  infinite—the  universe  and  human  stupidity.”  However,  I
                would add that a human being’s ability to learn is also infinite.

                As an entrepreneur, your mistakes may hurt your business, but so can your
                employees’ mistakes. Often, if you attempt to correct employees and ask

                them to take responsibility and learn from their mistakes, they may leave,
                look for a new job, and let you be the one to pay for their mistakes. This is
                one reason why most entrepreneurs remain small with as few employees
                as  possible.  If  an  entrepreneur  is  a  poor  leader  or  lacks  people  skills,
                employees can be liabilities, not assets.

                Making matters worse, employees can turn into criminals when the going
                gets  tough,  or  when  you  turn  your  back,  or  when  they  believe  that  the

                money you have earned belongs to them. There are many crooks and con
                men in the business world. In the world of criminals, there are two basic
                types  of  crimes:  violent  crimes  and  white-collar  crimes.  Violent  crimes
                generally involve a victim and a weapon or traumatic force. Most white-
                collar  crimes  are  not  prosecuted  because  lying,  stealing,  cheating,  and
                incompetence, without a weapon or  bodily harm, are tough  to  prove.  In
                other  words,  in  business,  the  biggest  criminals  you  will  meet  are  often
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