Page 32 - Midas Touch
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from  some  people  to  my  proposed  development  of  this  land,  and  great
                enthusiasm from others. It was the perfect recipe for a saga—so much so
                that a Scottish author wrote a book about the process I went through. He
                had enough material to fill hundreds of pages. (For those of you who are

                into  golf  or  great  stories,  the  book  is  titled  Chasing  Paradise  by  David
                Ewen, and the subtitle is “Donald Trump and the Battle for the World’s
                Greatest Golf Course.”)

                I had to deal with business leaders, government supporters, and the locals.
                Even Sir Sean Connery got into the action by supporting me when I was
                facing a lot of opposition. Some people were sure I would ruin this land
                and not preserve it.

                It became a story of international interest, which had its pros and cons. A
                popular American magazine had a cover story on one of the locals who
                didn’t  want  to  move  from  his  house,  which  brought  him  fame  and
                recognition  as  never  before.  His  house,  and  whether  he  moved  or  not,
                wasn’t of great consequence to our building project, but it became a great
                source of publicity for the owner as well as for the project itself.

                The  environmental  statement  for  this  land  took  up  two  five-inch-thick
                books. Everything in there had to be addressed, along with the business

                issues  of  the  development.  This  site  is  of  historical  significance  to
                Scotland, and it would be an expensive development for me at nearly one
                billion  pounds  (£).  However,  the  construction  project  would  create
                approximately  6,230  short-term  jobs,  and  the  development  itself  would
                support 1,440 long-term jobs.

                Our  research,  both  business  and  environmental,  was  extremely  detailed.
                We worked with the Scottish National Heritage and spent countless hours
                working out every detail. To give you an idea of the scope of this project,
                Trump International Golf Links Scotland will include a golf academy, 950
                condominiums,  500  houses,  a  450-room  hotel,  36  golf  villas,  and
                accommodations  for  450  staff  members.  That’s  in  addition  to  the  golf
                links. It’s an enormous development and there wasn’t anything easy about

                getting it going.

                While I was going through all this, I remained positive and knew that I had
                the tenacity that Robert speaks about regarding the Midas Touch. I knew I
                was in for some challenges—years  of them—but I  also knew  that, with
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