Page 34 - Midas Touch
P. 34

I knew the economy and real estate ran in cycles, but what happened in
                New York was devastating to many people. Real estate took a huge nose
                dive and the city hit some hard times, and those hard times included me. A
                lot of people were wiped out. My biggest mistake was that I lost my focus

                and was playing too much. I’d go to the fashion shows in Paris and didn’t
                have a firm hold on my businesses. I just thought everything would keep
                rolling  along  with  the  money  flowing  in.  My  father  once  said  that
                everything I touched turned to gold and I started to believe that. Things
                were easy and lucrative. It seemed that I didn’t have to pay attention, so I
                didn’t.  I  got  a  good  wake-up  call  when  things  turned  from  onward  and
                upward to onward and downward.

                Fortunately, over time, I was able to regain my focus and my fortune. I
                actually  became  much  more  successful  after  my  big  loss.  One  of  the
                reasons is that I had always seen myself as a lucky guy, and I still do. I
                didn’t let the experience of a big loss change my view of who I am. I saw
                the whole thing as a “blip” and nothing more. I knew I had the skill set to
                get back into the game, just as a golfer knows and uses the same technique
                to get out of the sand trap and sink a birdie.

                Do  I  still  make  mistakes?  Yes,  of  course.  But  just  as  I  did  during  my
                financial meltdown, I realize that I have no one to blame but myself. I take
                full responsibility because I am responsible for any situation I get into. As
                Robert points out, that’s one gateway to the Midas Touch. Everyone makes
                mistakes, but it’s what you do with them and what you learn from them
                that  matters.  And  that’s  all  part  of  emotional  maturity  and  strength  of

                One  of  the  greatest  attributes  you  can  have  is  an  intense  sense  of
                responsibility. It is empowering, for one thing, and your effectiveness will
                increase tremendously when you own the good and the bad of all you do.
                In business and in life, this is an area you can work on. As soon as you
                take responsibility for all that you touch, the power is in your hands to
                make  it  extraordinary.  For  me,  having  that  sense  of  control  has  been  a

                catalyst for success.

                My West Side Story
                You may think that my success is because the Trump brand carries weight
                and makes everything easier, but I know that I am not always in control of
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