Page 98 - Midas Touch
P. 98

As I picked up the pieces of my crushed fake Rolex, rich dad continued
                with his lesson, saying, “Very few entrepreneurs ever turn their business
                into  a  brand.”  A  brand  is  priceless.  A  brand  is  a  promise  from  the
                entrepreneur  to  their  customers.  A  true  brand  starts  in  the  soul  of  the
                entrepreneur  and  connects  with  the  soul  of  the  customer.  It  is  a

                relationship, much more than a transaction. In some instances, it is a love
                affair, a love affair that can go on for years.

                “If the soul of the entrepreneur is dishonest or greedy, caring only about
                the customer’s money and not caring for the customer, the entrepreneur’s
                business will never evolve into a relationship. It will remain a transaction.
                And a transaction is a commodity.”

                Once  the  pieces  of  my  fake  watch  were  in  the  trash  can,  rich  dad  said,
                “The reason so few businesses become brands is because most businesses
                are primarily in the business of making money. They say they want to do
                their best for the customer, but for most businesses, that is only hot air.
                They don’t mean it. The more you care about your customer, the better
                chance you have of your business becoming a brand. Even if your brand
                does  not  grow  into  a  Coca-Cola  or  McDonald’s,  if  you  care  about  your
                customer, your customer will carry your brand in their heart.”

                Creating My Own Brand
                When  rich  dad  crushed  my  fake  Rolex,  my  business  education  into  the
                power of a brand began. I became curious. I did not want to just start a
                business. I wanted to create my own brand. To do that, I knew I had to

                study other brands and, at the same time, begin searching for what I stood
                for, what my customer wanted, and what I wanted for my customers. To do
                this,  I  knew  I  had  to  begin  finding  out  about  myself,  and  about  my
                business. I had to focus more on giving than receiving. I had to find in my
                soul,  in  my  heart  what  I  wanted  to  give  to  my  customers.  Once  I
                discovered  what  I  wanted  to  give,  I  knew  I  would  find  the  soul  of  my
                business and maybe my brand.

                My  first  big  business  was  my  nylon-and-Velcro  surfer-wallet  business.
                The name on my products was “Rippers.” At first, I thought Rippers was a
                great name. I was sure it was going to turn into a brand. I thought the name
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